Zeuzera pyrina (Wood leopard moth)

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Zeuzera pyrina (Wood leopard moth)

Pest Behaviour

The Wood Leopard Moth (Zeuzera pyrina) normally produces one generation per year, in cold areas the cycle is usually biannual. The flight period is very long, which entails a large number of larval births and in a staggered manner.

It is a very polyphagous insect. It attacks numerous species of stone and pome fruit trees; also to forest and ornamental. It is especially serious in pears and apples.

It is a xylophagous species, it digs galleries in the trunk and branches to feed and develop that destroy the vascular system of the trees. The attack symptoms are the presence of galleries in branches and trunk, sawdust and excrement at the entrance of these and general weakening of the tree. It generally entails the appearance of scolithids on trees weakened by the insect's attack.

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Zeuzera pyrina (Wood Leopard Moth)

Pheromone for treatment of pears, apples, stone and pome fruit, also forestry and ornamental

Surveillance through the use of pheromones is key to detecting the first individuals, monitoring the population, detecting the level of risk and deciding the appropriate moment for treatment with authorized phytosanitary products if necessary.

Pear8-12 weeks
Stone and pip fruit
Forest trees
Ornamental plants
sobrescajacajaon demand
Aluminium sachets250 u. in box1000 u. in boxOther
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